Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Rebuilding WID Database for WSUS in Windows Server 2012

If you're using Windows Internal Database (WID) for WSUS in WS2012 and you think you've screwed the configuration, you can force the WSUS to rebuild its contents and database.

  1. Remove WSUS and WID roles from server manager. Reboot server.
  2. Go to C:\Windows\WID\Data
  3. Move both "SUSDB.mdf" and "SUSDB_log.ldf" to another temp folder
  4. Re-install WSUS server role again
Found a comprehensive guide on

Files and Folders Copy with NTFS ACL Preservation

To bulk copy files and folders from one place to another and to preserve ACL permissions and folder structure, an easy way is to use Robocopy.exe like this:
> ROBOCOPY [source] [target] /MIR /SEC /SECFIX 
For example, to copy from local drive source to file share destination, the command should be