Sunday, March 28, 2010

Missing Deployed Printer Node in Windows 2008 GPMC

Windows Server 2003 R2 onwards supports "Printer Deployment with GPO". There is an excellent guide on that illustrates the step-by-step deployment.

However, if you attempt the same step in W2K8, you will realize a missing "Deployed Printer Node" in the GPO editor. To get it back, add the "RSAT - Print & Document Services Tool" using "Add Features" in the Server Manager as below:

Go back to GPO editor, expand "Computer or User Configuration" (depending whether per-computer or per-user deployment basis), Policies, and Windows Settings as below:


  1. Thank you. I always wondered where that option went

  2. Thanks for this - had the same issue with 2012 R2.

  3. Thank you! Updating GPO admin templates for Windows 10 got rid of the node for some reason.

  4. Thanks!

    Add-WindowsFeature Print-Server

    no reboot required.
